Remote desktop is used for to remote a PC if you have his IP etc.
Remote Desktop is used if u worked in an IT dept. u will know how Remote Desktop is Important so lets start our tutorial

There are a number of ways you can customize how you create a remote desktop connection to that remote system, how you see the remote system, and your experience while working on it. The key on the General screen involves login details. Do you want to have to enter in the server details and your credentials every time you connect to those servers that you support? To save your login details, check off the “Allow me to save credentials” checkbox.

When you do this, it allows you to check off the “Remember my credentials” on that first login screen, which will preserve your login details the next time you RDP to this system from this computer.

Once you’ve logged in, whenever you type in this same server where you saved your credentials, you’ll see the notification underneath the Computer field letting you know that you have saved credentials for that system. Now you just have to hit “Connect” and you’re good to go.

For systems that you support a lot, not having to enter in your credentials constantly can actually save a lot of time in the long term.

What’s the point of saving an RDP file? Well, let’s say you work on an IT team supporting 20, 30 or even 50 servers. Do you really want to have to try and remember the name of every one of those servers? This problem gets even worse if you work in a corporate office supporting field company locations all over the place with their own servers and unique server names.

Now, when you are inside your remote desktop connection on the remote machine, all you have to do is open up Windows Explorer, and you’ll see your local USB memory stick mapped as a drive on that remote system. Cool or what?

You can also automatically launch a program on the remote system when you connect. This is actually more useful if you’re setting up clients that will be automatically connecting to a remote system, and you want it to open up some application automatically once connected to the server. This is often the case when connecting clients to a terminal server, for example. Most people really have little use for this feature, but when needed, it can really come in handy.
Remote Desktop is used if u worked in an IT dept. u will know how Remote Desktop is Important so lets start our tutorial
Remote Desktop Connections – Tips & Tricks
So, the process of “remoting” into a PC demands Remote Desktop when you
want to use a remote computer without any local users interfering or
seeing what you’re working on. When you connect, the PC screen will show
a status that the system is in use and locked out.
Saving Your Connection Details
If you’ve ever used remote desktop, then you’re more than familiar with
the main screen where you type in the name of the remote system and
click the “Connect” button. This is where much of the knowledge out
there on remote desktop begins and ends. This is really all a majority
of people use it for. However, if you really want to customize the
remote desktop connection to suit your style of computer use and how you like to view screens, then click the “Options” button and enter into a whole new world of RDP.

There are a number of ways you can customize how you create a remote desktop connection to that remote system, how you see the remote system, and your experience while working on it. The key on the General screen involves login details. Do you want to have to enter in the server details and your credentials every time you connect to those servers that you support? To save your login details, check off the “Allow me to save credentials” checkbox.

When you do this, it allows you to check off the “Remember my credentials” on that first login screen, which will preserve your login details the next time you RDP to this system from this computer.

Once you’ve logged in, whenever you type in this same server where you saved your credentials, you’ll see the notification underneath the Computer field letting you know that you have saved credentials for that system. Now you just have to hit “Connect” and you’re good to go.

For systems that you support a lot, not having to enter in your credentials constantly can actually save a lot of time in the long term.
In the general tab in the window above, under the Connection Settings
box, you can click the Save As button to actually save the server and
user name details to a file on your local computer.

What’s the point of saving an RDP file? Well, let’s say you work on an IT team supporting 20, 30 or even 50 servers. Do you really want to have to try and remember the name of every one of those servers? This problem gets even worse if you work in a corporate office supporting field company locations all over the place with their own servers and unique server names.
Saving these connection details to file lets you organize all of them
into folders (for each site, for example), and all you have to do is
double click the file to open up the remote desktop utility with the server connection details already filled in for you.
Making the Display Look How You Like
The biggest complaint that I’ve heard about RDP is the fact that it
often defaults to opening a non-maximized window. This is especially
true on an oversized monitor, where the strange smaller RDP window docks
to one corner of the screen and maybe only fills about a quarter to a
half of the screen.
This can be really frustrating, especially when you want to open up a
bunch of windows on the same screen, rather than having just one window
up and not having really much of desktop space to work with at all.

That won’t do. Instead, go to the Display tab before you connect to the remote system, and move the Display configuration slider all the way to the right. You’ll see the status under the slider change to “Full Screen”. If you have two monitors hooked up, you’ll see the “Use all my monitors for the remote session” enabled. If you really want to get carried away, select that and the remote session window will take over both monitors, just like you’re sitting at that remote system with two screens.

That won’t do. Instead, go to the Display tab before you connect to the remote system, and move the Display configuration slider all the way to the right. You’ll see the status under the slider change to “Full Screen”. If you have two monitors hooked up, you’ll see the “Use all my monitors for the remote session” enabled. If you really want to get carried away, select that and the remote session window will take over both monitors, just like you’re sitting at that remote system with two screens.

Selecting to display the connection bar with that bottom checkbox will
show the info bar at the top of the screen – useful if you want to
switch back and forth between full-screen and single window mode.

Local System Resources and Scripting
Another complaint that a lot of people have when using RDP is that when
you’re connected to the remote system, certain Windows key combinations
like alt-tab and control-alt-delete don’t work. To fix this, go to the
“Local Resources” tab, and make sure the Keyboard setting for Windows
key combinations is set to the display mode you typically use when using
remote desktop. Like magic – your local keyboard will act just like
you’re sitting right at that remote computer.

Think you don’t have the option to use that memory stick in your pocket during your remote session? Nonsense! Plug that memory stick into your local computer, and under the “Local devices” section in the “Local Resources” tab, click on the “More…” button.

Think you don’t have the option to use that memory stick in your pocket during your remote session? Nonsense! Plug that memory stick into your local computer, and under the “Local devices” section in the “Local Resources” tab, click on the “More…” button.
In this new window, you’ll see a whole collection of other devices that you can use during your remote session. If it’s the USB memory stick
you’re hoping to use, just check off the check box next to the local
drive for it. It my case, it’s the Cruzerdrive mapped as the E drive.

Now, when you are inside your remote desktop connection on the remote machine, all you have to do is open up Windows Explorer, and you’ll see your local USB memory stick mapped as a drive on that remote system. Cool or what?

You can also automatically launch a program on the remote system when you connect. This is actually more useful if you’re setting up clients that will be automatically connecting to a remote system, and you want it to open up some application automatically once connected to the server. This is often the case when connecting clients to a terminal server, for example. Most people really have little use for this feature, but when needed, it can really come in handy.

As you can see, there’s a whole lot more to RDP than just connecting to a
remote system. You can really customize everything about each
individual connection – your credential, full-screen settings, local
resources, remote scripts and more. Save those connection settings to
files – and you never have to worry about customizing that connection
These are the sort of tips and tricks that make the difference between
an IT person that wastes all kinds of time hunting down connection
details, and one that has everything created, automated, and ready to go
at a moments notice.
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