Today i am going to share one of best script i.e "code breaker ICA" wp mass username/password changer, Devloped by Manish Tanwar
this script works even if "cant read /etc/named.cong error" in server .
its symlink based script which change the username and password of wordpress websites on the server just by single click
script has 2 option
1. you can run it to change the uname ,pass of wp websites on server automatically can run it just for specific wp websites.
here is the screen shot of the script

best Shell for hacking
ok now come to the topic
how to use this script......
first of all ,generate and run php.ini by click "use to generate php.ini" button
ok , now time to spin the shit XD
click on first option if you are lazy (it will automatically find the wp websites on server and then will change the username and password of admin panel )
click the hyperlink and screen will having "username and password box "
whatever username and password you are supplying that will be set for admin panel of the website
bydefault , username is Team and passwdord is INDISHELL
so if you dont change username, password , script will set the username Team and password INDISHELL for the wp website admin panel and you can login with these username and password
i will recomend you to change these value
just click "hex this shit" and wait , script will show you the results(success/failure of uname/pass change and if uname pass got changed , it will show you website name too)
second option is for just select user(user must be of wp websites)
for example, there is a website on server and its username is wordpre
so just put the username wordpre in the box
set the value of username and password that you want for admin panel of the website
and procced

Code Breaker ICA wordpress mass username password changer
updated rr cpanel craker with new features
scorpion shell finder
configuration file killer

About the Author : This article was written by manish Tanwar, Manish tanwar is a security researcher and Shell coder

Dedicated to : SH.Kishan Singh Tanwar and my Ex Teacher Mrs. Ritu Tomer Rathi
Interface Desgined By : Deepika Kaushik

Greetz To : whole Team Indishell.
Posted: 25 May 2013 11:32 PM PDT
Here Are some best shell that give u more power to hack any server ..all these shells are having exclusive built in function that will help you a lot.

So Here the shells mostly designed by my handsome mate Manish Bhai ji.:)

Killer 3N :-

script is loaded with "cant read /etc/named.conf " bypasser script will extract websites names as ell as usernames with public_html directory (master ji shell method).
best shell for hacking

Download here

MANNU Shell:-
manu shell
This script basically contains following functions
1.generates php.ini file :-
it is to create php.ini file which help us to enable the disabled functions so that we can execute commands

2.Symlink the ROOT directory :-
This option symlink the "/" directory (root directory) and gives the hyperlink to that directory where symlink has done
3.cms based symlink:-
This option provides us the direct link of cms like joomla,wordpress
or you can get public_html diectory hyperlink just by providing website username(once we have done with second option) and username :-
This function list the website hosted on server with their usernames.
5.username function :-
in case /etc/named.conf has no read permission to list the server website
just provide website name and press enter to get the username of the website

6.command execution :-
you can run commands from this input box

first of all click on "generate php.ini" hyperlink (to enable all the functions on server) and the shell will show
hyperlink which we need to open in new tab and this process will enable the disabled function
and second step is to click on "symlink the root folder" hyperlink to check is server is vulnerable to symlink
when we will click on this option , shell will show hyperlink to "root" directory symlink
open it in new new tab,if we dont get 404 error, means symlink has been done
now you can use third and sixth option.

Download Here

New Features :

command execution
CGI Telnet
CMS based symlink,
VBulletin,wordpress and Joomla admin panel password changer
PERL Back connect
Python Back connect
Can't read /etc/named.conf" bypasser+auto symlink public_html directory
username (ls /etc/valiases)

New Updated Link

DON Symlink Based CPanel Cracker By Team IndiShell:-
sysmlink based cpanel cracker
Features :-
Extract usernames and Passwords for Mass Symlink (config Passwords)
Grab Passwords from Configration files
Auto username/ Password Loading Cpanel Cracker

Download Link

root Devil wordpress/joomla vulnerable extension scanner :-
root Devil  wordpress/joomla vulnerable extension scanner
Features :-
wordpress version
full path discloser
wordpress themes
timthum themes
wordpress pulgins
joomla components

Download link

Configration File Killer :-

Latest Fuctions :
Genrate php.ini
Mannual Symlinking
Automated Mass Symlink
perl Based Symlink

Download Link

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