[Image: screenshot_30.png]

Hc Stealer is one of the best cookie stealer so here i'am going to share full tutorial with Php file uploading to ftp.


What do you need for this?
1)HC Stealer 2)Account In 000webhost.com 3)Your brain

Go to this link to signup to webhost http://www.000webhost.com/order.php When your done click creat account 
[Image: screenshot_31.png]

After confirm your account with your email and login to your account and go to C panel 

[Image: screenshot_32.png]

After That Click on MySQL

[Image: screenshot_33.png]

Create a new database with your own details .. and must remeber these details

[Image: screenshot_35.png]

After save that information to txt file we need that later.

[Image: screenshot_36.png]

Now go to the Hc Stealer folder and e extract that then you will find 3 files,open the index.php

[Image: screenshot_43.png]

Now go to control panel ,File Manager,Then Go to public_html and create new directorie im called that HcStealer . Now upload your index.php and style.css here.When uploading finish then go back to public_html folder You will find HcStealer folder check this folder then press chmod button located at left side on your screen.

[Image: screenshot_42.png]

Now you have done all settings.
Now open up HC Stealer enter the link to your index.php file in the Url field.mine is http://www.xxxxx.hostzi.com/HcStealer/index.php and click test url

[Image: screenshot_39.png]

Now type your url again in your web address. Put the username and password. Mine is admin and safe123 and yours if you not change from the index.php
[Image: screenshot_41.png]

Now Click The generate Server

Send the server to you friends and Hack their ID

[Image: screenshot_44.png]

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